
8 min code

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Elasticsearch and Python

Let’s explore the Elasticsearch Python client for managing indexes and documents.

Get started with Elasticsearch

What is Elasticsearch, when to use it and how to start using it in a few minutes, step by step.

Introduction to Protobuf

In this blog post, we’re exploring Protobuf and the Confluent Schema Registry for solid and efficient data validation in your Kafka streaming pipelines.

Stream processing with Python Faust: Part II – Streaming pipeline

This blog post is the second part of a series of posts on how to setup a Stream processing pipeline with Python and the Faust library. It describes how to structure a simple project with two microservices.

Stream processing with Python Faust: Part I – General Concepts

This blog post is the first of a series of posts on how to setup a Stream processing pipeline with Python and the Faust library. It describes the general concepts of Python Faust and Kafka Streams.

Get started with Kafka

An Apache Kafka 101 blog post to get familiar with Kafka main concepts.

Get started with Kubernetes: The Kubernetes Book

Let’s have a look a how to persist data in Docker containers and how to share data between containers. We’ll specifically have a look at the recommended way of doing this: Docker volumes.

Persisting data in Docker: Docker volumes

Let’s have a look a how to persist data in Docker containers and how to share data between containers. We’ll specifically have a look at the recommended way of doing this: Docker volumes.

Python GIL and asynchronous code

A common misconception about Python is that the GIL prevents any form of asynchronous code to be executed. For clarifying this, we’ll take a step back and look at what the GIL is and what asynchronous code means.

Django and Docker Compose

This article describe the fundamentals of Docker Compose and shows you how to start a basic Django app with Docker and Docker Compose.